Feedback on the UroCycler® Bladder Management System

Eight years ago my father was in the hospital for a skin infection.  After being in the hospital with an IV antibiotic for a week, it was time for discharge.  My dad had just gone to the bathroom when a nurse came in and said she needed to see him void urine before signing off on the discharge orders to leave.  He said he just went and didn't need to go.  Long story short the nurse said he was retaining urine and would need a Foley Catheter to completely empty his bladder.  He has been in the hospital every year since having the Foley Catheter inserted due to a urinary tract infection (UTI).  My dad, Greg, has Parkinson.  He was not a good candidate to self-cath so he has gone every month to his urologist to have a new Foley inserted. 

His visits to the hospital ER at times were due to the Catheter clogging which if not caught in time would result in a UTI. Having Parkinson has made his life a challenge and he lives in assisted living.  He wants to keep as much independence as he can.  But I noticed that every time he would be admitted to  the hospital for over a week, his overall quality of life would suffer.  He would never return back 100% as before in the hospital.  Also, being treated with antibiotics multiple times over the years has put him  at risk of resistance.  This last treatment in the hospital was ten days and a three week stay at a  physical therapy  center.  With no chance of his Foley Cather ever being removed, I decided to find a new protocol that would help keep my dad UTI free.  This was how I discovered UroCycler.

In the past three months while on the UroCycler, my dad has improvement in both quantity and quality  of urine.  Before, there was always a "nursing home" smell in his room.  We even had to keep his door closed to keep the odor from traveling down the hall.  But the UroCycler incorporated a closed system that helps protect  his bladder from an infection traveling up the line as well as back flow.  We now practice proper hand washing and alcohol wiping down all tubing before switching from a night bag to a  leg bag.  But I am a firm believer that  the UroCycler is a game changer to the improvement of a Foley Catheter.  My dad can now sense his bladder filling up and is going to check to see if he is a good candidate for bladder retraining.  The UroCycler has allowed his bladder to "washout" more completely  thus keeping the integrity of the Foley itself clean in the bladder and  clog free. Finally,  he has not had a UTI or visit to the ER since using the UroCycler.

From: John R.

I am writing this letter to express my enthusiasm for this product. As both a medical researcher and an end user, I know first-hand the devastation that long-term indwelling catheters • inflict upon the body. Due to my C-spine injury, coupled to several autoimmune disorders and a neuromuscular disease, I have been forced to use such catheters for many years. Thls has become a serious threat to my health. I have been .plagued by numerous urinary tract infections (UTIs), causing continued antibiotic use and other medical concerns, as well as bladder spasms. Unfortunately, due to resistance and allergies I no longer have antibiotic options and am unable to wear a Foley catheter. As. one can well imagine, this has impacted my ability to function as a productive researcher.

Since I began employing the UroCycler® I am once more able to use Foley catheters, spend more time in my laboratory and have experienced neither UTIs nor bladder spasms. Additionally, I have given the UroCycler® to several research patients who have been troubled by frequent UTIs. They too report no further complications since using this system.

I highly recommend the UroCycler® and thank UroSolutions for creating a product that eliminates serious and constant infections. The idea of balancing the pH seems so simple, yet UroSolutions is the only company to discover the key to the eradication of infections, bladder spasms and the achievement of homeostasis within the bladder and urinary structures. I applaud your efforts and the device and will happily endorse the UroCycler®. Please feel free to use my name and words as a reference for your wonderful product. 

From: Bren S E, Ph.D.

I cannot tell you how much the UroCycler® has enabled me to live a normal life, almost! For 2 years I have had to stay in my chair 2+/7 because of bladder spasms. Thank God for my very comfortable Hoveround wheelchair. I am now able to go out without worrying about any bladder spasms. My husband also is grateful! The cost of taking medication, 30 mg of Ditropan XL($ 170.00 a month) and one Macradantin every day (for infection) really took a toll on my Social Security check every month since I'm taking 9 other medications daily. And none for the MS, but what this disease has caused! And they didn't entirely eliminate the spasms. I will contact the Multiple Sclerosis Society head office in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. I'm sure there are many other MS'rs out there that have this problem. I've already contacted the MS foundation down here. Again, THANK YOU!


From: Janet R. F.

I am writing to inform you of the improved quality of life with one of our clients since we began using the UroCycler® drainage system at the Visiting Nurse Association. We did a trial with the product with several of our patients shortly after it became available. As I was not part of the initial statistics gathering, I do not have the numbers of decrease in infections etc. But, I have a client whom I have case managed for the past 4 years, she has neurogenic bladder and a suprapubic catheter. Prior to initiating the use of the UroCycler®. She had many bladder spasms that caused leaking of urine and extreme pain, as well as frequent sediment build up, blockages that required irrigation or frequent catheter changes and infections.

We placed the UroCycler® on this client at the beginning of trial period and within 4 weeks, the client was free of urinary tract infections, was off anti-spasmodic medications and had no leaking around the tube or urethra. We have been able to decrease the frequency of catheter changes to every 4-6 weeks and the client refuses to ever go back to the drainage systems that had been used prior to the UroCycler®. For this client, the UroCycler® has decreased the cost of nursing visits, the cost of supplies and overall the cost of healthcare due to the decrease in use of medications and decrease in the number of MD visits. I strongly believe that the UroCycler® drainage system is far superior to all other standard drainage bags that are currently available to us as clinicians.

From: Dana W. RN BSN

I have received the following information from a patient using the UroCycler® which I wanted to share with you.

John Cardoza suffered a spinal cord injury 37 years ago. He has required a full-time Foley catheter since the injury, experiencing frequent UTIs and bladder spasms and complaining of pain when inflating the Foley balloon, due to the decreased size of his bladder.

Four months ago, he started using the UroCycler® and has used the same product for the full length of time, cleaning it every two to three days with white vinegar. Since commencing UroCycler® usage, he has experienced NO UTIs or bladder spasms. He also states that the pain from the expanding Foley balloon is gone. He feels certain that the bladder has expanded, as more urine is seen at each cycling. He changes his catheter every 15 days.

I believe this testimony illustrates accurately and dramatically how the UroCycler® is achieving its goals of improving the quality of life and health of catheterized patients.

From: Thomas T. MD

Over the past few years, I have come to rely on the UroCycler®. Year after year, my annual bladder tests show no shrinkage of my bladder. I believe this is because of the action of the UroCycler® restoring close-to-normal bladder function.

I appreciate, too, your perseverance in standing behind your UroCycler® through thick and thin.

Thank you!

From: Carole A.

My husband Jim has had 8 strokes, 3 of which were severe. He is paralyzed on the left side and only has use of his right arm, neck, and head movements. He has been on a catheter since May 2000. He has had severe UTIs about every month or so. His Foley was being changed at least every 7 days. Upon reading about the UroCycler®, I felt this might help him. I am so glad I did. The first UroCycler® I used lasted 60 days without any blockage of the Foley. He went over 4 months without an infection. Then his doctor ran an ultrasound and found that he has bladder stones. They will be taken care of on April 8th and then I feel sure the infection will stop, and the UroCycler® will once again work its wonders. I am so thankful I tried your product and I tell everyone what a wonderful job they do. I endorse your UroCycler® 100%. As a care giver it has also made my job easier.

Thanks Again

From: Jean & Jim B.

This letter is in reply to• your request for information regarding our agency's experience with use of the UroCycler® Bladder Management System. We have one patient that uses this system. At the request of the nurse practitioner for the patient, we started using this "drainage system”. •We noticed a decrease in the patients’ urinary tract infections which, were frequent before the use of the UroCycler®.

From: Mary P. RN

LakeView Community Hospital Home Health Services has been using the UroCycler® Automatic Bladder Management system for several years now. We trialed its use soon after it became available on the market as a possible solution to decrease our infection rate related to long-term indwelling catheter use.

We found that patients who required higher nursing and medical interventions related to their indwelling catheters (bladder spasms, UTI, leakage) resolved these problems or decreased dramatically the occurrence of catheter related problems with the use of the UroCycler®.

From: Cynthia A. D. RN, BSN, CWCN

The Lutheran Home of the Good Shepherd has been utilizing the UroCycler® bag soon after it came on the market. Our staff finds the bag to be useful for several reasons.

The UroCycler® bag can best be utilized early on for the resident with the potential to regain bladder function. Because bladder training is an important part of regaining this function, the UroCycler® bag allows 1he normal response of the bladder to take place. Once the bladder tone has been reestablished the catheter can be removed fU1d restored bladder function can occur thus improving resident independence. •

The incidence of urinary tract infections has also been seen as a reason for using UroCycler® bags. On the resident with long term catheter use, the UroCycler® has decreased our infection rate. One resident-who utilized the UroCycler® bag after having repeated trr1' s on a monthly basis was observed to be infection free for a year.

We do look forward to the development of the UroCycler® leg bags. It would allow continuation of treatment but also a1low increased freedom with activity.

We anticipate continued usage of the UroCycler® bag as we have observed the benefits for our residents.

From: Charlene J. RN

We at this time do not have a resident who is currently using the UroCycler®. We have had residents who used UroCyclers® in the past and were pleased with them.

We still use UroCyclers® when we are weaning residents off urinary catheters. We find that we have great success of regaining continence and avoiding retention and infections problems when we use the UroCycler® to wean residents off Foleys. We also appreciate the time saved by not having to clamp and unclamp the catheter tubing during the weaning process.

From: Maggie N. RN

We have used the UroCycler® urinary drainage system at our facility for approximately 1 1/2-2 years. This product has been beneficial in preventing UTI's due to its unique valve system. It has eliminated the need to use a clamp and release program when attempting to discontinue Foley catheter use in a resident. This product is not the same as a conventional urinary drainage system, therefore reimbursement should not be based on the reimbursement of a conventional urinary drainage system.

From: Tammy J. R. RN